Chief at Fuse13
Contact Details
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Email: hello@fuse13.com
Tell us a bit about yourself and what you do:
For over 23 years, I have worked with the Digital Media, Education, Communities, Leadership and Marketing. I feel passionate about people and nature, and the nature of people. At the end of 2018, I decide to let go of my business Plugmedia and move forward with Fuse13 a Wellbeing and Leadership organisation that facilitates the space needed for leaders to reflect, and then using Design Thinking work with their teams to develop wellbeing programmes that matches the needs and resources that suit their particular situation. Passionate, Creative, Altruistic
What is your favourite fail?:
Thinking I was spiderman one Friday evening after forgetting the keys to my apartment decided to climb the scaffolding of the neighbouring building, got one floor up, fell and broke 4 ribs and punctured my lung. Ouch. A lot of people said it will calm me down. Eh, maybe 😉
- Communications
- Design Thinking
- Facilitation & Consultant in Wellbeing & Leadership: Emotional Intelligence
- Resilience
- Spirituality